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Dumpster Dives, Drives and Fires
Although most students are fired up and ready to come back to college, some of the dumpsters on campus are fired up as well. A few weeks...

Learning Hands-On, Online
COVID-19 has changed the way this semester’s students are learning. It has also changed the way that professors are teaching their...

Searching for Community: MVNU’s Service-Learning Trip to Cactus, Texas
Back in late April, many students headed home to enjoy two weeks of spring break. But a small group, led by Dr. Hank Spaulding, left for...

Johns Joins SGA
Hannah Johns is a sophomore student who has recently been elected for the position of SGA president, but who is she? And why did she run...

Varsity Athlete a Driving Force for Blood Drives on Campus
MVNU junior Missy Emery is a force on campus. She is a triple-major in Marketing, Management and Public Relations, competes on the track...

Down but Not Out: Varsity Coach Shares Team’s Story After Shutdown
MVNU's newest varsity team faces its greatest opponent yet, the COVID-19 virus. The team received varsity status earlier this year and...

Caf Makes Quick Changes to serve Campus during Coronavirus Crisis
In previous months the world has witnessed the rise of the COVID-19 coronavirus. Our country and its people have been faced with constant...

Students attend annual Guyana Mission Trip
Through its service-learning program, MVNU provides students the opportunity to visit various locations around the world with the...
Campus Life Lite: The Ebb and Flow of Life as a Commuter
They walk among the traditional student body, making it hard to tell them apart. They might eat in the cafeteria, study in the library or...

A Conversation with Jim Singletary: Diversity, Remembering the Past, and Preparing for the Future
Jim Singletary has been a staple in the MVNU community for the past 16 years. In that time, he made countless strides in the name of...
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