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Engineering majors get experience with real-world projects
Together, 21 freshman engineering majors have stepped up to the plate to use their skills and knowledge to improve the community. The...

DeWalt takes on new role
Alumni Nick DeWalt is directing MVNU Theatre’s spring production, “Bang Bang You’re Dead,” this weekend. DeWalt graduated in the fall of...

Production explores themes of violence in modern America
MVNU theatre department presents “Bang Bang You’re Dead” a play that is both timely and impactful in today’s culture. The drama,...

MVNU presents "Don't Take My Penny"
Students, faculty and staff across campus have spent countless hours preparing for tonight — opening night of “Don’t Take My Penny.” The...

“You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown”
MVNU Theatre presents You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown this weekend in Thorne Performance Hall in the Chapel building. This...

MVNU Drama department undergoes rebirth
After dwindling for several years, MVNU’s theater department is undergoing a reconstruction. Assistant Theater Professor Ryan Long shared...

Parents strongly cautioned: MVNU to perform Antigone
MVNU Theatre has attached a PG-13 rating to their upcoming spring play. The Greek tragedy Antigone, written by Jean Anouilh and adapted...

Spanish Class is making the Fall Play available to the Spanish Community
The 2015 fall play “The Rainmaker” will feature a special performance on Nov. 13 for the Spanish-speaking community. “The Rainmaker” is a...
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