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Pornography series an eye opener

Pornography is a $97 billion industry and is growing rapidly. Over the past couple of weeks, there has been a three part video and discussion series here on the MVNU campustitled, “Destroying Selfish Love.” This series addressed how pornography affects the brain, heart and the world around us. Each discussion took place every Thursday evening in Foster Hall; and each week a new speaker came to discuss a different side on the effects of the pornography spectrum.For each discussion, a 30-minute long video was shown regarding the topic from Testimonials were shared on the video from individuals who have previously been addicted to viewing porn. “It changed my mind . . . it changed the way I viewed people . . . it changed my expectations . . . it changed—I mean everything about me, besides my physical appearance. Mentally, it just ripped me apart,” said Ryan, a young man who shared his story on the video. Porn causes the individual to see others as less human than they really are.According to the Brain Heart World video, pornography and human trafficking have a“symbiotic relationship.” Modern porn depicts violent behaviour that has an effect on both the men and women who watch it. It tells the men that is it OK to be violent toward women, and it tells the women that it is OK for a man to act that way toward you. Obviously, this is wrong and not the way that we should act toward others.At the end of each video, the speaker for that day would come and answer questions that the students anonymously would ask through a phone number that they could text. A chapel credit was offered. If you want more information on how to overcome issues such as pornography, visit

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