Bringing the 'Son' back to Sonfest
In previous years SonFest management has been outsourced to the production company Rush Concerts; this year, however, all SonFest organization is taking place within the MVNU community.
After SonFest 2014, MVNU administration made the executive decision to part ways with Rush Concerts.
“Our philosophies on the production of SonFest no longer lined up,” explained Admissions Events Assistant Brooke Robinson. “We now have more of a say in production and artist selection, and we know better than any outside company what our community really desires.”
Joe Rinehart, chair of the communications department and a member of the marketing committee, supported the management change. “We are bringing the Son back to SonFest,” Rinehart said. “If one person gets the message to turn their life around, then all the work we have put into it was worth it.”

With control resting in-house, admissions hopes to improve and expand SonFest in the years to come.
Led by Assistant Director of Admissions Rachel Kuhn, many MVNU departments are contributing labor and resources to make this a successful day.
MVNU alum Phil Tuttle is coordinating with artists’ management to ensure the musicians have everything they need, Pioneer will be catering the Green Room for our artists, and Facilities is putting in extra hours to get the campus ready, Kuhn said.
In addition, Student Life helped coordinators by organizing almost 200 student volunteers for the event. From collecting trash to selling artists’ merchandise, student workers will be heavily involved in the production of SonFest this year.
“My main goal is for everyone – artists, students, guests and volunteers – to have a fun, safe and worshipful day at SonFest,” Robinson said.
According to Rinehart, two things must happen in order for SonFest 2015 to be truly successful. “People need to show up, and we need decent weather, which we can’t control.”