MVNU welcomes renowned marriage experts

New Life Church of the Nazarene will host two separate events featuring Focus on the Family’s Greg and Erin Smalley.
Today at 7 p.m, MVNU students are invited to attend “Focus on Relationships” with Greg and Erin Smalley. The event will be in Foster Hall, located in Ariel Arena.
“Focus on Relationships” is geared toward college students and will focus on a what a Christ-centered dating relationship looks like. The conversation is applicable for students in all areas of life: single, dating, engaged and married.
New Life Church of the Nazarene will provide free pizza and a chance to win door prizes to all who attend.
Tomorrow, couples of all ages are encouraged to attend “New Life 4 Marriage” with the Smalleys.
“Our church wanted to invest in marriages in a purposefully, specific way,” said Lead Pastor of New Life Church of the Nazarene Troy McNichols in an interview with WNZR.
There will be four main sessions throughout the day focusing on “the power of healthy conflict,” said McNichols.
These sessions throughout the day will troubleshoot marriages, helps those that are hurting and improve a couple’s overall relationship.
The event is tomorrow from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tickets are available online at for $25 per couple and at the door for $40 per couple. The same rate is available for single attendees so, singles are encouraged to bring a friend.
Dr. Greg Smalley is the vice president of marriage and family formation at Focus on the Family. He is a well know author of 13 books, including "The DNA of Relationships," "The Wholehearted Marriage," "Fight Your Way to a Better Marriage," and "The Date Night Challenge."
Greg is the son of Gary Smalley who wrote over 60 world-renowned marriage and relationship books. He founded the Smalley Institute to help couples build a better, Christ-honoring marriage.
Erin Smalley is the marriage strategic spokesperson for Focus on the Family’s marriage ministries. She works to develop content for the department. She is a published author, co-authoring “Grown-Up Girlfriends” and “Before You Plan Your Wedding, Plan Your Marriage.”
Greg and Erin have led marriage seminars around the world and have trained leaders on how to effectively work with married and engaged couples. They have been married for 23 years and have four children.