SURC accepting applications

Today is the last day to apply for the Symposium for Undergraduate Research and Creative Work (sURC).
The event provides a platform for students to present their research, honors projects or creative works to an audience of students and faculty members.
It will take place at Jetter School of Business on April 18 from 6 to 8 p.m.
“Presenting at sURC is an excellent way for students to add to their professional portfolios/curriculum vitae for graduate school or job applications,” MVNU nursing professor Karla Adu said.
Adu and fellow nursing professor Esther Rudolph are organizing this year’s sURC.
During sURC, the students will give a 15-minute long presentation about their project, with five minutes for discussion and questions from the audience afterward.
Students can present their work as individuals or as a group of four or less.
Senior honors students are required to present their capstone projects. But, this event is open to any MVNU student who wants to apply.
Twenty to 30 students will be selected to present to the campus.
“The benefits of sURC for current students is the opportunity to present research or projects to a larger audience, including faculty and fellow students,” said Honors Program Director Dr. Brett Wiley.
Applications for sURC are due today and can be submitted to
Applicants will be notified of their status by April 10.