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Communication students build God's Kingdom
This week is very important to the students in purple t-shirts. WNZR’s annual fundraiser, Lifeline 2016, is this week! Throughout the...

Students reflect on changes to the caf and 586
It’s become a common sight over the past few years: students spotted sprinting across campus, barely slipping through the Campus Center...

Review: Antigone pushes boundaries across the board
MVNU Theatre’s production of Antigone and its PG-13 rating push the department into mature themes and territory that were, until...

Fighting against the dirty "M" word
Every generation has a name, and every generation deals with criticism from the generations before. Those of us born after 1980 are...

New Taco Bell — could it be the best thing ever?
“This is going to be the best thing ever!!!” That was my initial thought when they first announced they were building a second Taco Bell...

I didn’t choose the bug life; the bug life chose me
I didn’t choose the bug life; the bug life chose me For most students, the first couple of days after moving in consist of socializing,...

Bikes — lock ’em or lose ’em
Bike theft has been a perennial problem at MVNU since before our time here. I once fell victim to the epidemic myself. My bike was stolen...

Gender Inequality: Pointless whining or sad reality?
Yet studies have found that men are more likely to be chosen for jobs than equally qualified women. Along with this comes the infamous...

Not just a girl thing: WomenSpeak at MVNU
Women’s History month is not just for women to yell “girl power” or for feminism to take over social media newsfeeds. The month of March...
Women’s History Month Final Events
Celebrate Women March: On Monday, March 30, from 12:30 p.m. to 1 p.m., you can participate in a march that will begin at the Chapel with...
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