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MVNU Theatre presents "Little Women"
The MVNU Theatre department is hard at work preparing for the fall semester production of Little Women. Little Women, written by Louisa...

MVNU business professors share their advice
As college students, we want to stretch our money as far as it can go. But it’s not going to happen without some discipline and planning....

DeWalt takes on new role
Alumni Nick DeWalt is directing MVNU Theatre’s spring production, “Bang Bang You’re Dead,” this weekend. DeWalt graduated in the fall of...

Washington Watch: The Electoral College and why your vote STILL matters
Every four years when a presidential election comes around, so does discussion about the Electoral College: what it is, how does it work,...

MVNU presents "Don't Take My Penny"
Students, faculty and staff across campus have spent countless hours preparing for tonight — opening night of “Don’t Take My Penny.” The...

Washington Watch: Voter Fraud Freak Out
Despite the fact that the United States has the most sophisticated and accurate election process in history, rumors and headlines are...

Washington Watch: It's all about that State
Even though the presidential election tends to get all the attention during this season, it is important to know who is running in the...

Washington Watch: Decoding Debates
The third and final presidential debate will take place Wednesday 9 p.m. between top contenders Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. But,...

Campus Safety culture change faces rocky transition with students
Kathryn Suggs and her friends were enjoying a typical Saturday night on campus, playing “Murder in the Dark” in the chapel when a Campus...

Washington Watch: Evaluating the Third Party candidates
In fewer than 30 days, voters all over the country will head to the polls to cast their vote for the next president. This year, voters...
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