New system flips job search upside down for MVNU students
MVNU’s new online service brings employers to students, flipping the job search process on its head.
The new MVNU CareerNet system gives employers a place to actively seek out students from small liberal arts schools for everything from internships to fulltime positions.
According to MVNU career development coordinator Gary Swisher, MVNU CareerNet is part of a larger consortium covering seven schools in Central Ohio.

Swisher says the consortium was formed to expose employers to a large number of liberal arts candidates in what he calls a one-stop-shop, which helps MVNU students “compete for employers’ attention against large state schools.”
Students and alumni can post their resumes and search the site for job and internship openings. According to Swisher, job postings are not limited by location, and several job postings are coming in from California, Florida, New York and around the world.
Swisher says the Career Development office is also collaborating with the Alumni office and inviting alumni to “help us increase employer participation through their HR departments.”
Alumni are also invited to become part of the mentor network and help current students make connections in their fields of interest.
The Career Development Office is holding an orientation session to help students set up an account Thursday, January 14 in Campus Center 306 from 10:20 to 11:20 am.
For more information, contact Career Development at