OAKtoberfest: A fall favorite returns
Campfires burning, live music playing, kettle corn cooking, hayrides running, people laughing...these things and more describe MVNU’s OAKtoberfest. This year the fall festival is scheduled for Oct. 15.
More than 1,000 people participated in 2015, and Resident Director of Oakwood Kevin Peterson expects even more this year.
“It is simply one of the best nights of the year on campus. It’s our fall festival that has this beautiful way of celebrating the season with family and friends,” Peterson said.
This event has been home to caramel apples, pumpkin carving, kettle corn, live music and hay rides. Along with these traditional fall activities, there will be a new addition to the line-up.

“This year, we will have square dancing,” Peterson said. “We are bringing in a professional square dance caller this year who will teach and lead us in this activity.”
A square dance caller leads others in the steps. This leader will be in front of everyone to direct the moves and make it easy to learn and follow.
Many students on campus love attending the annual event.
“My favorite part of OAKtoberfest is the caramel apples,” said senior Olivia Dakters. “The photobooth is also done really well. I enjoy that, too.”
The activities are open to family members of all students, faculty and staff as well. Peterson is excitedly anticipating this event.
“I love the atmosphere! The fires burning, the kettle corn cooking, the music playing, friends and family talking and laughing... all on a beautiful OAKtober night!”
OAKtoberfest is scheduled as part of MVNU’s Family Weekend, October 14-16.
There will not be pulled pork at OAKtoberfest this year. Peterson recommends all students, friends and family visit the cafeteria or a local restaurant before attending.
Other activities planned for Family Weekend include a concert on the lawn, women’s volleyball and soccer games and an estate family workshop.
For more information about the events and a complete schedule, click here.