SGA takes San Diego

Select students of the Mount Vernon Nazarene University’s Student Government Association (SGA) traveled to Point Loma University in San Diego, California, last week. They attended the Nazarene Student Leadership Conference (NSLC) with other student leaders from Nazarene universities and colleges around the United States.
This four-day conference has been a long-standing tradition for North America’s Nazarene universities and colleges. Because of the location, MVNU only sent four of the future SGA members and three student life adults on the trip.
MVNU’s 2017-18 SGA President Madison Coburn, VP of Community Life Brooke Schnipke, VP of Marketing Olivia Swartzentruber and VP of Social Life Josh Clark attended the conference. Director of Student Life Rochel Furniss, Director of Community and International Ministries Catie Hayes and Assistant to the Chaplain for Worship Anthony Mako accompanied the students.
Overall the conference gave the team new ideas and a fresh perspective as it prepares for the 2017-18 school year.
“This is beneficial because it allows for us to connect with other colleges with similar values and goals for the year, and hear what their student leaders have done in the past, and what aspects we can bring to our campus,” said Coburn.
Student leaders from the various universities exchanged ideas, gave advice and networked with each other.
“The biggest thing I learned is the value of going out of your way to meet new people,” said Schnipke. “Everyone has value and you can learn from anyone!”
Schnipke is especially excited about the conversations she had and the ideas she gained from fellow student leaders.
“We got some really good ideas for events for next year,” she said.
Schnipke also learned how to “engage people in what I am specifically doing next year.”
In addition to the learning experience this conference provides, it is also a bonding for the existing members of the team.
“We did this through various evening activities in San Diego... not to mention a very spirited and competitive dodge ball competition to grow us closer together,” Coburn said.